Intuitive Oracle & Guide
"We are all born connected to our true source, our core power and purpose. We have merely forgotten.
The journey home is a continual awakening.
Within each of us is the ability to know paradise within,
and thus to create a paradise on earth."
~Elizabeth Lee, Inner Light Moon Oracle Creator

About the deck
Play with the Inner Light Moon Oracle Deck to connect deeper with your inner light. Created to share Chinese culture and Asian wisdom by encouraging balance, healing and peace, within and without, the deck is inspired by the rhythms of the moon, long recognized in China and in many countries throughout the world. The Archetypes and Chinese 5 Element Theory inspire the user to grow, transform, and honor their own practice of centering and creativity. Designed to awaken the practitioner to their personal and potent inner magic.
Draw the cards as an oracle guide or use like the Tarot, with specific spreads. Each deck comes with 52 lovingly illustrated cards coded with sacred words to encourage shifts and healing. An additional 2 cards contain information and sample card spreads. A guide insert with supplemental details on the cards and practices is also included. The deck is housed in a custom illustrated box and satin pouch to protect its energies.
Moon Sisters Readings
While the Inner Light Moon Oracle Deck is intended for joyful personal growth, we also wanted to share its depth and qualities with the world at large. For a deeper understanding of your energy or issues in your life, consider an Intuitive Reading with Elizabeth or connect to your Higher Self with Kimberly. Readings can be as short as 20 minutes or up to 2 hours, and allow for shifts and healing when you need clarity.
The world has undergone some spectacular shifts, but the wisdom of the moon and the ancestors continue to shine upon us. In an attempt to recognize this new era of humanity, one in which that paradise on earth is possible and its potential is within each of us, the moon sisters would like to contribute what we can to the evolutionary light of the planet.
For this reason, should you find yourself desiring a more in-depth examination of issues or seek greater clarity on specific questions, we offer readings and the following services.

Intuitive Reading
1-2 hr
with Elizabeth

Connect with your Guides
1 hr
by Kimberly

Single question Rose reading
20 - 30 min
with Elizabeth
What people are saying...

Receiving an intuitive reading from Elizabeth is truly a treat! Her ability to hold the space for you to receive information about yourself is invigorating, calming, clear and most of all, true. I appreciate how thorough and caring the experience felt. Elizabeth is able to support you in receiving the guidance that you come in asking about, and at helping you to navigate what you would benefit from knowing.
Elizabeth is able to clearly and artistically describe the imagery she sees from your aura field. From my personal reading with Elizabeth, I have a deeper awareness of my higher power. A beautiful part of the reading is that you get to clear the energies which are ready to be cleared that are not healthy for you anymore! It re-energizes the areas that would benefit you to live a happier life. Thank you Elizabeth, I look forward to our next read!
The wisdom Kimberly shares has empowered me to connect with my own wisdom. Having had many readings from various people over the years, I can definitely say that Kimberly is the best of the best!
Kimberly’s reading was clear, profound and very helpful. I was talking directly to powerful entities that knew me, cared about me deeply, and had a sense of humor. It was an amazing experience.
K. Neiburg